Metelkova – The most alternative place in Ljubljana

Do you travel a lot and you do not know Metelkova yet? Metelkova is an autonomous social and cultural centre in Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana.

Usually, there are two main types of travellers. The first type are the ones who visit a country to see the most known places, the most attractive monuments and museums. And there are fewer of them, but still very valuable tourists, the ones who love visiting more underrated places, the more peculiar and interesting parts of a place they visit.

For this category, this article is just you need. And here is the most unconventional place you could see while you are travelling to Ljubljana!

Foto: Ruxi –

Metelkova is cultural and social centre in Ljubljana

It is called Metelkova and it is the most bizarre, underground and alternative place you have found or seen in a while. It is a cultural and artistic centre. It is said to be one of the largest urban squats and it is located about 15 minutes from the centre.

The self-proclaimed city of Slovenia was build on the ruins of an abandoned army base. It is full of graffiti and weird looking buildings and it hosts most of the artistic events and also underground music concerts.

It might be scary a bit to roam around it during the night. If you are afraid of the punks, so it is recommended that you don’t visit it alone. But you can enjoy it much more during the day, when it is mostly empty. Also, you can see the art even better.

More than 2000 events in Metelkova

Through the years, more than 2000 events are happening here. And also some NGO’s are having their own things there, so make sure to bring some cash with you if you want to go out on a Friday night. Even so, if the punk, rock or metal music is your cup of tea, you might be lucky enough to see a concert of usually local bands, but also some bands from other countries.

Foto: Ruxi –

Prices in Metelkova, Ljubljana

Usually the prices to any events are from 2 to 10 euros and the alcohol there is around 3 euros, so you could also say it’s not a very expensive place for a night out (everything is paid with cash).

All in all, Metelkova is the place where you want to be or that you should not miss if you really want unique experience here in Ljubljana. Especially if you want to have fun on Friday or Saturday night with your friends. But going out in weekend is not necessary if you visit Ljubljana during the, because Metelkova is open any day of the week really!

With that being said, have a fun exploring, enjoy and stay safe!!

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