If you are here it only means one thing: you are willing to travel to Ljubljana and you are curious what you will see here, right? Or not necessary, but it is important for you to have a list of places to visit  when you are coming in any new city in order not to get bored.

Ljubljana itself is not very big city, but is suitable for a day trip with your family and friends and obviously with a high access to outer parts of Ljubljana if you feel adventurous enough to go out and enjoy more nature.

But let’s say you just arrived in Ljubljana and that you are very tired so you will, after all, just resume to a walk in the center. What can you see in an afternoon, just to chill and distress from the road trip you had to get here?

Prešeren Square – The main Ljubljana square

First, let’s start with the main square, called Prešeren Square. This is a main point in the city center, and a good repertorial place if you are here for the first time. Here you will see a big salmon pink church you cannot miss, called the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation. It can be also visited on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 12 and 17 to 18. It was built between 1646 and 1660. Since 2008, the monument was protected and announced as a building of national importance in Slovenia.

Foto: Pixabay

Statue of the national poet France Prešeren

Next, another important monument located in the same area is the statue of the national poet France Preseren. The poet is dressed in the outfit of the period and holds a book symbolising his Poems.

The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

Then, right in front of you there is a bridge. This is one of the most important bridges in Ljubljana, which altogether form The Triple Bridge. They were created by the architect Jože Plečnik, who thus created a unique architectural gem of Ljubljana. I am sure you will love his gothic style of the 19th Century. He made the design of 80% of the city.

Foto: Pixabay

As you leave Preseren Square you can either go find a place to drink a coffee, beer, eat something or just roam trough the streets of the center, right?

Have fun in House of Illusions

But maybe your kids want to play and have some fun. They don’t really care about architecture right? Well, we have the best solution for you! Very close to the square if you search on maps and ask a few locals, you will reach out the House of Illusions. It is a great ‘playground’ for kids and at the same time very educative. It is open everyday from 9 to 21 and the prices are 11 Euros for kids under 16 and 13 euros for adults, discounts included if you travel in a larger group.

Tivoli park

If it’s still nice outside and you want to have a charge free place where to hang out with your kids, Tivoli Park Is a nice place to go to and also have a nice picnic with your family. It is only a approximate 10 minute walk from the main center and you can enjoy a nice afternoon in the nature. It has lots of playgrounds, basketball field and so on. Try not to get lost though!

Now that your kinds lost their energy, maybe you would like to know some places to eat, drink and simply relax together. Here is a small suggestions of the nicest restaurants and brunch places you could go to.

Foto: Pixabay

Where to eat in Ljubljana?

The Hot Horse Is right next to Tivoli and it’s the perfect place if your kids want a burger, but you don’t want them to get addicted to MCDonalds. The price range is from 10 to 15 euros, but the prices make a lot of sense if you think you want to try eating horse meat for the first time.

If you want to try something takeaway and very specific here, you must try the burek! There are more places  in the center where you can find it and the main places you can find those are at the Posta bus station, called Nobel Burek, or near the train station, at Olympia Burek. It is delicious and you have many options to choose from. And it’s also only 3 euros!

Be aware that some places ask for cash, so make sure you have some money with you.

There are many other places, like Fari’s or Que Pasa, but we can also tell you about a place or two if you are vegan or vegetarian.

One of them is Abi Falafel, very close to the Dragons Bridge, and the price range is from 10 to 15 euros as well, but it depends on what you take, but the falafel there is very good and the service is pretty fast.

Another one is Veganika, also very close to the center. The catch about this restaurant is that they also serve vegan desserts in case you have a sweet tooth.

Of course there are more places to visit, where to party and drink the Slovenian beer, but those are stories to be told another time.

Short trips for turists

If you just arrived in Ljubljana and you want to stroll around the city a bit upon arrival, it is ideal to see and go to the places mentioned above. As we said though, there is plenty of time to see everything and even more of Slovenia in a relative short time, as it is a small, quiet but beautiful country you can enjoy during a city break with family and friends.

With that being said, start packing your things and stay tunned for more tips and tricks!

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